Shout Network shape

New area suggestion?Get in touch

Shout Network
at your venue

Do you have the perfect venue for a fortnightly Shout Network group meeting? Could your venue host business meetings for around 20 - 25 people each week?

Shout Network is always on the lookout for amazing venues to host our business networking meetings both in the areas we already cover and locations we haven’t quite reached yet.

We’re fairly low maintenance! We just need tea/coffee/water, a light lunch or breakfast, AV equipment for presentations, and tables and chairs in a horseshoe or boardroom configuration.

We also need venues for one-off meetings and events for which we can provide relevant details as soon as a date is confirmed.

Shout Network meeting

🎯 Networking meetings

Hosting a
Shout Network event

The benefits of hosting a Shout Network event extend far beyond the revenue from the booking. Hosting a Shout Network event gives you the opportunity to:

Showcase your venue to a fortnightly business networking group of around 20 – 25 local businesses

Allow visitors to the network group, who may not otherwise know about your facilities, to experience the venue first hand

Create awareness around your venue on the Shout Network website

Be mentioned in social media posts across LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram by Shout Network, our members and visitors which you can share on your own social media accounts

Have a membership in the group you are hosting with the opportunity to promote the venue in 60 second shout outs and 10 minute presentations

Keep up to date with business events and developments in your area

Create awareness around your venue on the Eventbrite ticketing website.

🎯 Networking meetings

Get in touch
with us

Do you have the perfect venue for a fortnightly Shout Network group?
Contact us to discuss about hosting a event.